Liberate Your Child's Learning Patterns by Priscilla Vail
Liberate Your Child's Learning Patterns by Priscilla Vail PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Discover your child's natural learning patterns to enhance success in school and learning at home.
Liberate Your Child's Learning Patterns first helps you discover which of six natural learning patterns are predominant in your elementary school child. For example:
• Does your child learn best through three-dimensional or two-dimensional materials?
• Is your child predominantly a simultaneous or sequential processor?
• Does your child learn best with multisensory teaching: visual, auditory, kinesthetic/tactile?
This practical, user-friendly guide explores each pattern, explains why it matters, and how it can put children "at promise" or "at risk."
Liberate Your Child's Learning Patterns then shows you how to create optimal learning settings at home and helps your child apply those natural learning strengths to academic tasks for greater success in school. For each grade level, from kindergarten through fourth grade, this book provides:
• A brief curriculum overview so you know what to expect as your child advances from grade to grade, plus a discussion of the opportunities and pitfalls for each learning pattern
• 142 home activities: at least three home activities for each of the six learning patterns, plus 22 principals of good practice applicable to all grades
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