Fundamentals of Aqueous Metallurgy by Dr. Kenneth N. Han
Fundamentals of Aqueous Metallurgy by Dr. Kenneth N. Han PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This comprehensive technical reference provides an overview of aqueous metallurgy and its applications in mineral processing operations. The text presents the physicochemical principles of various water-based processes, including interfacial phenomena, hydrometallurgy, and metallurgical kinetics.
Written as a text for college- and graduate-level instruction, the book presents the fundamental principles of water-based metallurg and includes review questions and answers for each chapter. It is a valuable reference for those studying mineral processing, resource recovery, and the corrosion of metals and alloys. The book also offers a practical reference for environmental and chemical engineers, chemists, and mineral processing engineers who are responsible for mineral processing plant design and operations.
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