Computation and Deduction by Frank Pfenning
Computation and Deduction by Frank Pfenning PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Computation and Deduction is an advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate textbook on the theory of programming languages, covering functional programming, abstract machines, natural deduction, logic programming, and various aspects of type theory. It is unique in that the definitions and proofs in the book have been implemented in a logical framework, Twelf, which is freely available as supporting material on the Internet. This allows students to gather hands-on experience and creatively explore the subject. Twelf acts both as a conceptual device to explain recurring principles and techniques and as an implementation tool to explore definitions and proofs of meta-theoretic properties of the languages under consideration. The book will also be of interest to researchers working in the applications of logical frameworks, such as proof-carrying code, certifying compilation, and safety of mobile code.From reader reviews:
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