Minggu, 16 November 2014

PDF⋙ Extreme Animals: Sharks by Ben Grossblatt

Extreme Animals: Sharks by Ben Grossblatt

Extreme Animals: Sharks

Extreme Animals: Sharks by Ben Grossblatt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Venture forth on a journey into the depths of the world’s oceans and discover the most extreme sharks that lurk beneath the waves. Extreme Animals: Sharks features 20 fascinating creatures that awe us with their feats of strength, speed, and elusiveness. Detailed facts, statistics, charts, and maps allow the reader to compare and contrast each shark and learn what makes them so extreme. Three replica tooth pendants with a neck cord enable kids to display their favorite beasts after the book is closed, and a double-sided wall poster is the perfect decoration for a budding oceanographer’s bedroom.

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