Process Plant Layout by Sean Moran
Process Plant Layout by Sean Moran PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Process Plant Layout, Second Edition, explains the methodologies used by professional designers to layout process equipment and pipework, plots, plants, sites, and their corresponding environmental features in a safe, economical way. It is supported with tables of separation distances, rules of thumb, and codes of practice and standards.
The book includes more than seventy-five case studies on what can go wrong when layout is not properly considered. Sean Moran has thoroughly rewritten and re-illustrated this book to reflect advances in technology and best practices, for example, changes in how designers balance layout density with cost, operability, and safety considerations.
The content covers the ‘why’ underlying process design company guidelines, providing a firm foundation for career growth for process design engineers. It is ideal for process plant designers in contracting, consultancy, and for operating companies at all stages of their careers, and is also of importance for operations and maintenance staff involved with a new build, guiding them through plot plan reviews.
- Based on interviews with over 200 professional process plant designers
- Explains multiple plant layout methodologies used by professional process engineers, piping engineers, and process architects
- Includes advice on how to choose and use the latest CAD tools for plant layout
- Ensures that all methodologies integrate to comply with worldwide risk management legislation
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