Kamis, 03 April 2014

PDF⋙ Atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery (Two-Volume Set) (Books) by Emilio Etala, Etala

Atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery (Two-Volume Set) (Books) by Emilio Etala, Etala

Atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery (Two-Volume Set) (Books)

Atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery (Two-Volume Set) (Books) by Emilio Etala, Etala PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In two volumes, this work describes the surgical techniques which are carried out in the gastrointestinal tract, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopy. The text provides detailed guidelines for safe patient selection when laparoscopy is performed, including comprehensive coverage of techniques used from the oesophagus to the anus. Each chapter highlights the clinical aspects of the disease, its surgical implications, its acute complications and its emergency surgical solution. Special attention is given to pathological alterations which are causes of death if not immediately and adequately treated.

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Atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery (Two-Volume Set) (Books) by Emilio Etala, Etala Doc

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Atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery (Two-Volume Set) (Books) by Emilio Etala, Etala EPub

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