Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ The Star-Bearer: A Creation Myth From Ancient Egypt by Dianne Hofmeyr

The Star-Bearer: A Creation Myth From Ancient Egypt by Dianne Hofmeyr

The Star-Bearer: A Creation Myth From Ancient Egypt

The Star-Bearer: A Creation Myth From Ancient Egypt by Dianne Hofmeyr PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A five-thousand-year-old story.

When the godchild Atum emerges from inky silence to begin his work of creation, he first conjures up the passionate gods of air and rain, followed by Geb, god of the earth, and Nut, goddess of the sky. But earth and sky cling to each other, sharing whispered secrets and laughter, leaving Atum no room to complete his creation. So Atum has no choice but to force them apart, infuriating Geb and leaving Nut sad and lonely . . . until Thoth, the god of wisdom, takes pity on her.

From an age-old explanation of how our starry universe came to be, Dianne Hofmeyr and Jude Daly have fashioned a dazzling and accessible picture-book introduction to Egyptian mythology.

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